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Top Government Jobs After 12Th

Top Government Jobs After 12Th

The desire to get a government job after completing schooling can be a very big thing to think of but, is very much doable. The modernization of the country and the emerging options have created so many job opportunities for individuals after completing 12th. There are several areas with job openings such as defence, banking industry, railways and more. This blog is going to assist you with the top government job after the 12th.

Top Government Jobs After 12th


(General Category)

Clerk 18-27 Years Old 2.5-4.5 lakh p.a.
Data Entry Operator 18-27 Years Old 2.5-4.5 lakh p.a.
Postal Assistant Job 18-27 Years Old 3-4.5 lakh p.a.
Ticket Collector 18-30 Years Old 2.5-4.8 lakh p.a.
Train Clerk 18-30 Years Old 2.2-4.2 lakh p.a.
Assistant Loco Pilot 18-28 Years Old 4.2-4.8 lakh p.a.
General Duty Soldier 17-21 Years Old 3-3.6 lakh p.a.
Indian Air Force (Group X & Y) 17-21 Years Old For Group X- Starts from 4 lakh p.a.

For Group Y- Starts from 3 lakh p.a.

Senior Secondary Recruit 17-20 Years Old  2.4-3 lakh p.a.
Matric Recruit 17-20 Years Old  2.5-3 lakh p.a. & above


It is a very crucial role that every government office, financial institution and different government sector requires. The role of a clerk is required for the smooth functioning of each sector. The role demands efficient documentation work, handling records and management of the database. Other than these, customer satisfaction, information entry and handling, keeping a tab on the financing department and last but not least, assisting in respecting the rules and regulations of the office.

2.Data Entry Operator

When talking about data entry roles, the primary role of these employees is to organize the information and enter that information correctly without any error because ultimately this role is accuracy-based. You have to be very fast and accurate with your hand-eye coordination while noting the information in a structured manner. Although this job is very much in demand in both the private and government sectors, it comes under the category of clerical jobs. While the primary duty of this role is to ensure accuracy while entering data, the employee is also required to keep the data updated and accurate.

3.Postal Assistant Job

This job is a union government-associated job in the Indian Post Office where the primary role of the employee will be to function the postal operations efficiently and seamlessly and ensure customer satisfaction by offering excellent customer assistance. Post-managing and categorizing it accordingly, public assistance, entering data and maintaining records, managerial tasks and educating the public regarding necessary matters are the other roles there to be performed by the employees.

4.Ticket Collector

The Indian Railway is one of the biggest powerhouses for the availability of government jobs and yet again there is a role offered by the Indian Railways for the individuals seeking government jobs after completing 12th. The role of a ticket collector can be considered a good job option where your primary role will be to check whether the railway passengers have tickets with them or not while travelling. Other than checking the tickets and penalizing the culprits for travelling without tickets, they are asked to perform the task of offering the right assistance at the right time, keeping documents updated and handling catastrophic events.

5.Train Clerk

This job is another testament to the Indian Railways’ capabilities of offering n number of job opportunities with different roles. This role will ask you to ensure the operational scheduling of trains, the safety of luggage and items of the passengers and the department of other goods or things taken from one place to another. Other than playing a crucial role in these tasks, you will also be held accountable for keeping the database updated & coordinating with the locomotive operator.

6.Assistant Loco Pilot

For the effortless functioning of the trains on a consistent basis, these assistant loco pilots play a very important role. This role demands the employee to offer help in running the train smoothly and ensure that the path-related tasks don’t become a big topic of concern to the locomotive driver. Doing the needed paperwork, supervising the fuel usage & faults in the train and being alert to the speed limit are the other responsibilities of the assistant loco pilot.

7.General Duty Soldier

This is a job related to the country’s armed forces offered by the Indian Army. This job is suitable for freshers but still, they will play a very important role in the defence system of the nation. These soldiers act like trainees on the job but are called upon for duty when in crises. They are made to practice a daily regime of physical intensity and dealing with firearms. They are also called upon for defensive duties whenever needed or for safeguarding personalities from attacks when in public. They are also asked to help in mitigating the negative effects of any chaos, gigantic mishappening or catastrophic event.

8.Indian Air Force (Group X & Y)

Representing your country can be so prestigious and full of pride job. This job offers you completely two different roles in the Indian Army. The soldiers in these roles while performing different roles have some common roles also where they are asked to ensure smooth army procedures & administration.

In Group X, the roles are more technical-based and hence, the recruitment for such roles is also done focusing more on the technical capabilities of an individual. The soldiers in such roles are asked to upkeep the machinery and engines of the aircraft. They are also asked to offer assistance in managing the transmission devices, detection networks and weaponry of the team for smooth and efficient workings. Aviation Administration and flying procedures are yet other tasks given to them.

In Group Y,  the roles are more non-technical-based and hence, the recruitment for such roles is also done focusing more on the other capabilities apart from their non-technical capabilities. This job offers roles where you are asked to help the army team with responsibilities related to administration, field assistance, and transportation. These employees aren’t involved much in the technical workings of the team but they are very crucial in the everyday functioning of the team. Apart from their regular duties, they are also asked to keep a record of the team’s fitness and safety and act wisely in need of medical help.

Now that, this job requires the utmost quality in terms of mental and physical fitness, there are some eligibility criteria apart from age and qualification that are needed to be fulfilled. The eligibility criteria are common for both groups.

9.Senior Secondary Recruit

This job opportunity is led by the Indian Army for individuals who want to kick-start their post-schooling career with the Indian Army and are ready to fight for the national flag with their bodies on the line. This job requires top-quality physical fitness and mental fitness. The role required in this job is to assist with the navel procedures smoothly and effectively. They are also required to upkeep the quality of tools and equipment of the navel team. After all these duties, they are also asked to safeguard the ship and to make sure that delicate parts are secure. Last but not least, they are given the responsibility of doing all the transmission and planning work for the upcoming moment.

10.Matric Recruit

Individuals who have completed the tenth grade are eligible for this Indian Navy employment. Aspirants must assist with the day-to-day activities of the Navy in the non-technical function of MR. You are given various tasks and duties upon joining this position, all of which support the Navy’s overall operation. After their primary duties, they are also held accountable for overseeing navy personnel’s meals along with other supplies, assisting the navel team in the machine quarters and deck, ensuring the cleanliness inside the ship and to upkeep records of the physical fitness of the navel team.


It’s a common misperception that government employment is only for highly skilled individuals, but this is simply untrue. We now know from studying the blog post that there are a variety of government jobs available after the 12th grade, and candidates can select from a number of examinations based on their goals, requirements, hobbies, and preferences.

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