Facebook User: 3030M

Facebook User: 3030M

With approximately 30 billion users on Facebook, it is the most desired platform to promote various products. Additionally, Facebook has a marketplace, attracting many potential shoppers.

YouTube User: 2491M

YouTube User: 2491M

The visual nature of video content allows for in-depth product reviews and demonstrations, fostering trust and engagement. The monetization feature makes YouTube the best place for affiliate marketers.

WhatsApp User: 2000M

WhatsApp User: 2000M

WhatsApp has widespread global user adoption, with billions of active users. Its group chat feature also allows for community building and collective engagement around affiliate recommendations. Despite its text-based nature, WhatsApp facilitates direct communication and effective way to share affiliate links.  

Instagram User: 2000M

Instagram User: 2000M

Instagram takes the lead as a premier platform for affiliate product promotion owing to its visually-driven nature. Features like Stories, IGTV, and shopping tags provide diverse avenues for product promotion, with this influencers can leverage their reach to promote products easily.

Channel: Telegram User: 800M

Channel: Telegram User: 800M

Telegram has emerged as an effective platform for affiliate product promotion due to its secure and direct messaging. Even though its user base is less compared to WhatsApp it's slowly increasing, its channel feature allows adding a larger number than WhatsApp. Due to its large data transfer features, it's becoming more popular.